Monday, January 26, 2015

The Fight for Space

Our nation's greatest agency is dying. It seems as though NASA is progressively looked at as a special interest group, when in reality it provides an incomparable investment to innovation, culture, the economy, and history. Various organizations, individuals, and now film production companies have taken notice to the steep decline in manned space exploration. NASA itself has been in a steady budgetary decline since the 1970s. "Fight for Space" is a documentary currently funded by backers on the popular crowd funding platform, Kickstarter. As stated on their website:

"FIGHT FOR SPACE is a documentary film that explores the economic and cultural benefits of human space exploration. Our film additionally examines the historical and political events that have led to the decline of NASA's budget since 1968, and its struggle to return to the Moon and send humans to Mars. FIGHT FOR SPACE presents viewpoints from Astronauts, politicians and staff, scientists, former NASA officials, commercial space entrepreneurs, and many other individuals in the space community."

Sometimes the public needs a jolt of inspiration to regain their passions lost over decades. "Fight for Space" seeks to reignite that passion, and inform the public of a need that requires immediate attention. Some people think that it's the President or a representative who decides whether space is important, but that is historically not true. If the public deems an issue important, politicians will always follow for the vote. You can help support "Fight for Space" by backing their Kickstarter Page and help spread the word on social media. 

So in the words of Bill Nye, "C'mon...let's go!"

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