Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Lights on Ceres


A few days ago, the Dawn spacecraft photographed 2 bright white lights emitting from the surface of Ceres. Ceres is a dwarf planet located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The spots are approximately 57 miles wide and are currently unexplainable to astronomers. The first spot is larger and brighter while the other spot is slightly smaller and dimmer. Best estimates source the lights to salt conglomerates or possibly even ice.

Scientists have sent Dawn into a closer orbit around Ceres in order to get more detailed information and images on the lights. Currently, the space craft is on the dark side of Ceres, and won't return to the light until April. However, once it returns in April, Dawn will have a much better understanding of what these mysterious reflections are.

There is, of course, a large portion of the public who believe the lights are signals from someone else. As unlikely as this sounds, it is an interesting proposition. What are the protocols for something like this? Should we just approach it? These are questions we will answer as Dawn gets closer.

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